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Abacus Program Adelaide
Abacus Program Adelaide
Abacus Program Adelaide
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Children Mental Math Group represents Australia to join the

International Mental Math Competition with 23 countries

4848 X 98 你要算多久? (5.5岁孩子用4秒告诉你答案)

How long do you take for the answer of 4848 X 98?

Adelaide 5.5 years old boy solved it in 4 seconds

1秒内高速运算6个数字 (5岁孩子示范)

A 5 years old girl (Adelaide, Australia) can solve an equation with 6 numbers in 1 second.

3秒高速运算4个数字 (  5岁孩子示范)

A 5 years old boy (Adelaide, Australia) can solve an equation with 4 numbers in 3 seconds



5.5 years old boy demonstrated mental multiplication with 100% corrected answers

Abacus Program Adelaide
Introduction of Mental & Applied Math
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