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Exam preparation for IGNITE, NAPLAN and private school Scholarship
本校学生成绩喜讯 Good News


多个《EverGreen》 学生不单考获不同学校的「奖学金」,还有在「Ignite 考获前25名」的,再有考取到「Brighton 音乐精英班」。太棒了,我们的『心算及应用数学班』的威力开始笼罩南澳各中小学!

High distinction result from Australian Mathematics Competition
High distinction result from Australian Mathematics Competition
家长回馈 Appraisal/Feedback from the Parents
《EverGreen教育学生》考获 「IGNITE」首25名 (共510人) 资优班
 Appraisal and feedback from our parents
成功协助学生考取《Brighton High School》 的「Special Music Program专业音乐班」
 Appraisal and feedback from our parents
成功协助学生考取《St Peter Girl》 的
 Appraisal and feedback from our parents
成功协助学生考取《Brighton High School》 的「Special Music Program专业音乐班」
 Appraisal and feedback from our parents
 Appraisal and feedback from our parents
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